The ASYCUDA World Project did just that since its implementation in Vanuatu on July 2017 by assisting towards increasing the Government revenue collection, gathering valuable trade statistics and facilitating trade across Vanuatu borders.
These benefits speaks volume of the Project, however they may be considered as results that are not obvious on a daily basis to, not only the Government, but its stakeholders, traders and Public at large. To address this, the Project Team has successfully implemented the Dashboard feature of the system where valuable information can be displayed in real-time and in graphical formats.
These Dashboards will be displayed on large 50inch screens, purchased under the Project, at the main offices of Customs in Vila and Santo, as well as at the DCIR Corporate Services office in Vila where the Director of Customs sits.
A tangible benefit of the ASYCUDA World Dashboard feature, especially for Customs Executive and Management team, is that this tool is readily accessible on any device, including mobile devices, anytime, anywhere.
This is particularly useful where customised data can be made available to Customs Directors and Managers to assist them in providing immediate information when requested. It will also assist these heads of Customs in making sound high level decisions in respective to the work of Customs of reliably collecting revenue, facilitating trade and protecting our borders.