For the purposes of this Act, all amounts of money are to be expressed in terms of Vanuatu currency, and if any such amount is consideration in money for supply, that amount is to be expressed in terms of Vanuatu currency as at the time of that supply.
Expressing the dollar ($) sign and/or any other currency on the amounts other than that of (vatu) is an offence under Section 51(1)(e) which states;
(e) Knowingly issues any incorrect tax invoice;
Also an invoice that does not display monetary amounts in vatu will not constitute a valid tax invoice.
The VAT Act contains specific requirements for the issue and retention of tax invoices as a legal document for tax purposes. Failure to comply with these requirements leaves a registered person liable to fines and/or the VAT deductions claims disallowed. The VAT registered persons who issue tax invoices and persons to whom these documents are issued, should ensure that the documents accurately represent the transactions to which they refer to.
The tax invoice issued must show the following:
- the words “Tax Invoice” in a prominent place;
- the name, address and CT number of the supplier;
- the name of the recipient;
- the date the invoice was issued;
- a description of the goods and/or services supplied;
- the quantity or volume of the goods and/or services supplied
- a serialized invoice number;
- All monetary amounts are expressed in Vatu currency.
It must also have either:
- the amount (excluding VAT) charged for the supply, the VAT component, and the total amount payable for the supply; or
- a statement that VAT is included in the final price if VAT has been included.
For more information on any of our articles published in our weekly column, please contact the Tax Administration Office by phone: +678 24573 or email us at